Wednesday, October 12, 2011

That is All...for today.

Why is it fair and balanced to have the crazy leftist on the news shows but not the crazy Libertarian?
That is All...for today. 10-07-2011

If Herman Cain wins the Republican primary, and gets about 10% of the African American vote he will win in a landslide. If he brings 10% of the black vote to republicans the democratic party is done and it will need to reinvent itself as conservative, but far better that the Libertarian party become the party of opposition.
That is All...for today. 10-12-2011

Over the last century the cancer of socialism has destroyed the middle class in the US, not (last decade's)capitalism.
That is All...for today. 10-20-2011

The revolution is Liberty. Socialism is the counter-revolution. The Socialist state is the return to Tyranny.
That is All...for today. 10-21-2011

American should take care of the poor, the sick & the old, but the government should not, especially the Federal government.
That is All...for today. 11-3-2011

The vast majority of federal government spending (other than military) is directly associated with the philosophy of government that is championed by Democrats, although it is true that Republicans appear to offer only lip service opposition. This philosophy of government is rooted in Marxist ideology and contrary to the constitution of the United States.
That is All...for today. 11-18-2011

Newt Gringrich is leading in the polls. Can Newt can make big government work. That is Newt's biggist problem with conservatives. This next president will be able to make great stides in the removal of the "New Deal" and the "Great Society". Will Newt go far enough?
That is All...for today. 11-22-2011

Mitt Romney is indelibly stained by RomneyCare. Core Republicans with Tea Party supporters cannot accept another closet moderate.
That is All...for today. 11-23-2011